The 100 second interview: celebrating Jewish centenarians

and Hannah now!
Hannah and Monty Cripps then…

In association with Jewish Care, our new monthly feature puts a 100 second spotlight on our community’s centenarians.

Name: Hannah Cripps

Date of birth: 22.5.1908

Birth place: East End

• Where do you live?

Jewish Care’s Rubens House in Finchley. I’ve lived there for nearly 14 years. Before then, I lived with my husband in Finchley.

• What was your occupation?

I left school at the age of 14 to work as a milliner. In later life, I worked in a local patisserie.

• Tell us about your husband

I was a keen ballroom dancer and it was through this passion that I met my husband, Monty, a manager for Moss Bross.

and Hannah now!

• Do you have children, grandchildren or even great-grandchildren?

Yes, I have one son, three grand- daughters and two fabulous great-grandsons.

• What is your happiest memory?

A wonderful childhood and successful and happy marriage.

• What do you consider to be your proudest achievement?

To live to 106!

• If you were granted one wish to see something in your lifetime, what would it be?

Good health for my family. I wouldn’t wish for anything else.

• If you could live your life again what would you do differently?

I wouldn’t change anything. I have had a great upbringing, a wonderful childhood and have a happy family.

• Do today’s young people have it easy compared with when you were growing up?

In my time we were very thankful for all the little things, but today kids want and expect everything; computers, mobile phone, computer games and more.

• If you could offer one piece of advice to today’s youngsters, what would it be?

My advice is to young men – be a gentleman, treat a young lady like you would want your sister to be treated.

• Are the elderly given the respect they deserve in Britain today?

We were brought up to respect our elderly but today not many youngsters have these values.

• What event had the greatest impact on you over the years?

The announcement of the start of the Second World War. I didn’t remember much about the First World War as I was only six when it broke, but I have much clearer memories of the conflict beginning in 1939.

• The secret to a long life is…

Living life to the full. It is a good job we don’t know when we will die, otherwise we would spend our whole time waiting for that moment and not savouring our time.

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