100-Second Interview! Helen and Maurice Kaye, married for 83 years!

This week's profile celebrating our community’s centenarians looks at a couple who have been married for eight decades!

Helen and Maurice Kaye now and on their wedding day

Names: Helen and Maurice Kaye (Married for 83 years!)

Dates of birth: 23/04/1913 and 03/06/1912 respectively

Place of birth: Warsaw and East End

Where do you both live?

We live in Bournemouth.

How long have you lived there?

Seventy-seven years, having been bombed out of our London home.

Where did you both live before?

Camberwell, south London.

What was your job before retiring?

We owned a fashion retailer and property business.

Do you have any children, grandchildren and great grandchildren?

We have two living children, both married: Larry Kaye to Mandy, and Tina Son to David. We sadly lost two children: Anthony aged just four in 1949, and Lezley, who was 39, died 26 years ago.

We have nine grandchildren: Larry and Mandy have two sons and we count their wives as our grandchildren; Lezley had three children and Tina has two. We have seven great-grandchildren.

What’s your happiest memory?

H: When Tina got married. That really stands out in my mind.

M: There are too many to pick one.

What do you consider to be your greatest/proudest achievement?

H: Working with my husband to build a successful business.

M: Making a success of my property business, particularly when
I bought my first Rolls Royce.

Who are your heroes of today or yesteryear?

H: Golda Meir – a great woman.

M: My personal friend Harry Ellis, who was always there to give me advice.

If you were granted one wish to see something in your lifetime, what would it be?

H: To see Anthony and Lezley again.

M: A secure Israel at peace with its neighbours.

If you could live your life again, would you do anything differently?

H: I would have taken Anthony to see a different doctor.

M: Nothing – I lived my life as I wanted.

Do today’s young people have it easy compared to when you were growing up?

H & M: Definitely.

What one piece of advice would you give to today’s youngsters?

H: Make sure you make the most of educational opportunities.

M: Grasp every opportunity.

Helen and Maurice Kaye

Are the elderly given the respect they deserve in Britain today?

H: No.

M: I think they are.

What national or international news story has had the greatest impact on you over the years?

H: News of the Declaration of Independence of the state of Israel.

M: Germany invading Poland because I knew we would end up at war.

The secret for a long life is…

H: Having a good sense of humour.

M: Not dying!

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