94 year-old walking garden laps for World Jewish Relief steps up challenge

Robin Myers has pledged to walk an additional 100 laps of her garden for the charity and has doubled her fundraising target

Robin Myers in her garden (Credit: World Jewish Relief)

A 94 year-old Jewish woman in Cambridge, who raised more than £3,200 for World Jewish Relief, has pledged to walk an additional 100 laps of her garden for the charity.

Robin Myers drew media coverage last week after she pledged to walk 200 laps of her garden by today to raise £2,000 for the humanitarian agency World Jewish Relief.

She has since exceeded her target and is aiming to raise to £4,000.

She was inspired by Colonel Tom Moore, the fundraising veteran also known as Captain Tom who raised more than £30 million for the National Health Service.

‘Thank you so much for all of your kind support. I reached my first target so much faster than I could have hoped, £2,000 in less than a week,” she said this week.

“World Jewish Relief does such wonderful work, and I know I can keep walking – so, as of today, I am upping my goal to 300 laps, about 23 miles, and alongside that my target to £4,000. Thank you so much for all of your generous support,” she added.

Myers previously worked as an archivist at the rare books and manuscripts library at Corpus Christi College

You can donate to Robin’s fundraiser online.

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