American university teams up with Israeli scientists to fight Alzheimer’s

Aim of conference in Tel Aviv is to expand collaboration and cooperation between scientists seeking a cure

Working at the laboratory

Two professors at Rutgers University in New Jersey have teamed up with Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University to organise a conference on Alzheimer’s disease in Israel.

Mark Gluck, professor of Neuroscience at Rutgers University-Newark and Michal Schnaider Beeri, professor of Neurology at Rutgers – both leading Alzheimer’s disease researchers –  are leading the US-Israel conference which brings scientists from both countries to Tel Aviv on September 22.

The aim of the conference is to expand collaboration and cooperation between US and Israeli scientists seeking a cure for Alzheimer’s.

“The fight to cure Alzheimer’s disease cuts across national and political divisions providing us with common goals and targets on which we can all work together,” Gluck said.

“We hope to send Rutgers students to this meeting so that they can come back not only scientifically enriched, but also culturally and globally enriched,” he added. “The real engines of collaboration tend to be the graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, not senior faculty. As such we will also be creating what is basically a job fair for Israel students.”

Illana Gozes, a molecular neuroendocrinologist at Tel Aviv University said: “We aim to strengthen the ties of Alzheimer’s researchers in Israel and the U.S., promoting young scientists and collaborative efforts toward a brighter future of excellent research, disease management, and preventive measures.”

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