Antisemitic incidents rise in the Netherlands

A record 230 cases recorded by the Centre for Information and Documentation, Dutch Jewry's watchdog group

Screenshot showing the Palestinian protester smashing up a kosher shop in Amsterdam, May 2018

The Netherlands in 2018 saw a major increase in recorded antisemitic incidents, which totalled a record 230 cases.

Of that tally, the Centre for Information and Documentation, which is Dutch Jewry’s watchdog group, recorded last year 135 real-life incidents that did not occur online, the group said in its annual report published Monday.

That number represents a 19-percent increase over the 113 real-life incidents reported in 2017.

However, violent incidents decreased to only one compared to five in 2017.

Incidents that occurred in the victim’s direct environment increased from 24 in 2017 to 40 last year.

In one incident in June, a teenager was violently removed from a nightclub in Vlaardingen by security after inspecting his identity card, carrying a distinctly Jewish name, CIDI wrote.

In another, a man waiting for the metro in February 2018 was approached by another man who told him: “God will kill you.”

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