Balfour celebration organisers ‘surprised’ at scope of groups seeking support

Those overseeing preparations for the centenary of the Balfour Declaration, say they've had applications for funding from right across the UK

Community representatives overseeing preparations for the centenary celebrations of the Balfour Declaration in November of this year have been “genuinely surprised” at the geographical scope of groups seeking support.

Those behind the Balfour 100 Community Fund said they had seen applications come in from communities all over the UK, including Bournemouth, Norwich, Hull, Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool, St Annes-On-Sea, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

Applications for grants of up to £500 are still being accepted, but the sheer variety and scope of shul communities from different denominations has been a pleasant surprise, with many seeking to plan interfaith events.

A spokeswoman said: “The Balfour 100 committee is really excited about the amount of activity being planned to mark the Balfour centenary this year. Activities range from celebratory receptions, to speaker events, to discussion groups and kiddushim.”

She added: “As applications have come in from all over the country, including communities outside of traditionally larger centres of Jewish life, it is clear to see the enthusiasm of British Jews in celebrating the anniversary.

“The fact that smaller communities from all denominations are planning to celebrate a key date in British-Jewish-Israeli history is something I think really deserves praise and encouragement.”

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