Bar Refaeli faces charges of tax fraud

Israeli supermodel and her parents informed of the charges, including tax evasion, money laundering and perjury

Bar Refaeli

Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli is facing an indictment on charges of tax fraud.

Refaeli and her parents were informed by the State Attorney’s Office of the charges, including tax evasion, money laundering and perjury. The indictment will not be filed until Refaeli either attends a hearing at the taxation and economic section of the State Prosecutor’s Office or waives her right to it.

She is accused of hiding more than £4.7m ($6 million) between the years 2009 and 2012, during which time she told tax officials in the United States that she was a resident of Israel. During that time, she allegedly rented and purchased apartments in Israel. She also allegedly concealed nearly £1.57m ($2 million) in income during the years 2005-07.

Refaeli also is accused of receiving luxury items, such as the use of fancy cars, in exchange for publicity that she did not declare to tax officials.

Her mother, Tsipi, is accused of hiding nearly £785K ($1 million) in income she received for acting as her daughter’s agent and for making foreign currency deals that she did not disclose, according to Globes.

The case began in December 2015, when Refaeli was accused of hiding about £196k ($250,000) in celebrity benefits.

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