Barnet progressive shuls back Golders Green Islamic centre planing application

Synagogues write to Barnet councillors saying the move would show the local areas is 'home to all faiths and communities'

Golders Green Hippodrome with a banner above the entrance describing its new owners

Progressive shuls in Barnet have urged local councillors to support the planning application for an Islamic centre in Golders Green.

In a letter to local officials ahead of the council planning committee’s crunch meeting on 19 July, Finchley Reform and Progressive synagogues offer their backing to “brothers and sisters from Barnet’s Shia Muslim community”.

The letter says the approval for the site at the former Hippodrome would be “wonderful way of showing that Barnet is proud to be a welcoming home to all faiths and communities”.

It adds, that the Muslim community would “cherish and preserve the Hippodrome as their home and ensure that this important landmark of Barnet’s cultural heritage is saved from dereliction and decay.”

Confirmation of the strategic planning committee meeting comes after lawyers acting for the Markaz El Tathgheef el-Eslami (the Markaz) Islamic Centre warned the Council it could face legal action over alleged “unlawful religious discrimination.”

Signatories to the letter include Finchley Progressive Synagogue and Finchley Reform Synagogue, Noam Masorti Youth, as well as Barnet Citizens, Middlesex University Students’ Union and The Somali Bravanese Welfare Association.

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