Bath J-Soc shows that small societies can still have big events!

Despite their status as a relatively young, relatively miniature Jewish Society, Bath J-Soc have been showing lately that, when it comes to eating doughnuts and latkes, the best things often come in small packages.

For a small J-Soc, Bath have had a couple of outstanding events recently!

For Chanukah, they had a candle-lighting and doughnut-and-latke-eating event which had a turnout of 20 people, the biggest event they have had in recent years and, with a total membership of 31 and Shabbat attendance of around 12 people, drew an unbelievable response for the pint-sized society.

On the 4th of December the team also ran a joint J-Soc/Vegsoc (Vegetarian society) event where the societies came together and made Shakshuka, which was described as “a great success”.

They hope to repeat the event in second semester and we hope to hear more from this developing J-Soc in the near future!

To learn more about Bath J-Soc, visit their UJS page or Facebook account.

Thinking about developing a J-Soc on your campus? Read our handy guide here!


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