Jewish Women's Aid

Busiest month on record for charity supporting abused women

Jewish Women's Aid offers emotional support, therapy, risk reduction services to more than 500 women throughout 2021

Jewish Women's Aid

Jewish Woman’s Aid experienced its busiest month on record this year, caring for 175 vulnerable women and girls in the month of September alone.

Throughout 2021, 546 vulnerable women and girls accessed Jewish Women’s Aid services including: counselling, children’s therapy, risk reduction, emotional support, legal options, financial advice, and safety planning. Of the 546 women who sought JWA’s support, 57 were between the ages of 14-30.

“In a cruel, dark and isolated place, the Jewish Women’s Aid team have been a ray of light, hope and life.

This year the women’s safeguarding charity worked with 61 women who had experienced sexual violence and dealt with 18 high-risk situations that involved statutory authorities.

On top of that the helpline and web chat services were used 305 times equivalent to at least one contact everyday the services were open (Monday-Thursday).

The charity also provided 2890 counselling session to 126 women, and offered 392 one-to-one therapy sessions to 31 children.

This year JWA also delivered 179 outreach sessions to raise awareness about domestic abuse and sexual violence within the Jewish community. Their educational team helped to facilitate 132 workshops in Jewish schools, 32 in British Shuls and a further 15 sessions in universities.

According to one anonymous counselling client: “In a cruel, dark and isolated place, the Jewish Women’s Aid team have been a ray of light, hope and life.”

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