Chabad Golders Green to host outdoor shofar blowing services

Services will be held later this month at Basing Hill Park and Brent Park

Shofar on top of a prayer book

Chabad Golders Green has announced it will host two outdoor shofar blowing services over the High Holy Days.

The ram’s horn is traditionally blown on Rosh Hashanah and after Yom Kippur.

Services will be held on 20 September at Basing Hill Park on 3pm and then at Brent Park at 5pm, followed by a Tashlich ceremony.

“Chabad Golders Green has always prioritised making Judaism available to all. During the Covid-19 pandemic, this has taken on a whole new meaning,” said the centre director Rabbi Yossi Simon.

Those attending will be asked to remain socially apart from members of other households, Chabad Golders Green said.

A ban on blowing wind instruments such as shofars in places of worship across England was lifted for congregation leaders, but not worshippers, the government said last month.

Government advice recommends all instruments be cleaned before and after use and permits small groups of singers to perform in front of worshippers, even indoors, but with no audience participation.

Worshippers should avoid singing, chanting, shouting and playing instruments to avoid an increased risk of transmission, the guidance says.

To discover a shofar blowing service near you, visit the page


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