Pour me another slice! Baker creates chicken soup cake

Cake maker Abi Rapp from Chigwell makes a sweet-tasting version of 'Jewish penicillin' for a 70th birthday

Chicken soup cake

As far as novelty cakes go, this one is pretty soup-er.

Creative cake maker Abi Rapp, 42, from Chigwell, was commissioned to make her sweet-tasting rendition of “Jewish penicillin” – featuring kneidlach, lokshen and carrots – for a client’s 70th birthday.

The mum-of-two started her word-of-mouth company, Cakes by Abi, seven years ago after one of her close friends asked if she could make a cake for her daughter.

“I have always been creative and after years working in recruitment, I decided it wanted to do something from home that involved creativity,” she said.

After attending the National Bakery School at London South Bank University, Abi set up her home business and has been in demand ever since.

“I get a lot of requests from local people and I’m as accommodating as possible. I’m always busy – my boys are now very bored of cake!”

Chicken soup cake
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