Chief ‘extremely proud’ to induct son as a rabbi

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis saw his son Danny inducted as a senior official into the Mizrachi movement in Australia

Chief Rabbi Mirvis with his newly-ordained son

Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis has described the “extremely proud moment” when he inducted his son, Rabbi Danny Mirvis, as senior rabbi of Mizrachi in Melbourne.

The Mizrachi Organisation’s committee overwhelmingly endorsed his appointment in May this year, and this week¹s induction will see Mirvis junior take up his post in time for Rosh Hashanah.

Rabbi Danny Mirvis, who only returned from studying in Israel last year, came to Melbourne as rabbi of Mizrachi¹s newly-formed Kehillat Ohr David and Rosh Kollel, and beat off competition from eight other applicants for the top post.

His wife Althea Mirvis will work alongside Danny in her role as rebbetzin, the couple already having entertained many young Melbourne
adults at their Shabbat table.

The Chief, who himself marks three years in the job this week, said it was “an extremely proud moment”. Last week, coincidentally, his haftarah (reading) explored the meaning of the phrase “chip off the old block”.

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