Communal support at biggest ever London Trans+ Pride event

Jewish members of the trans community were joined by allies to distribute thousands of bottles of water to the estimated 25,000 people at last weekend's London Trans+ Pride 2023

Communal support at London Trans+ Pride 2023. (pic Jewish Solidarity Action)

Jewish members of the trans community were joined by allies to help run a hydration station distributing thousands of bottles of water to the estimated 25,000 people who attended London’s biggest ever solidarity event.

The team of trans and Cis (non-trans) people said they had responded to a “direct ask” from the organisers of London Trans+ Pride 2023 to show solidarity with the aims of the event, now in its fifth year.

The communal group had fundraised themselves to cover costs, and volunteers handed out more than 3000 bottles of water and snacks to those attending the event.

communal support at London Trans Pride 2023 (pic Jewish Solidarity Action)

One banner on display at the group’s stand stated:”There are eight genders in the Talmud.” 

Another had the words “Shabbat Shalom” printed in Hebrew.

Gideon, who volunteered at the Hydration station said: “We want to support and show that trans lives are sacred both inside our own community and the wider trans community as well.

“Sadly the current statistics show that one out of four trans people have tried to take their own lives. 

“The Torah repeatedly reminds us of the life-giving powers of water and safety in our Jewish tradition.

“We wished to impart that today: protection and life.”

Attendees said the event was in “response to the injustices” faced by trans+ people. 

Some attendees were covered in glitter with pink, blue and white flags, associated with trans pride, painted on their bodies. 

The Hydration Station was organised by the Jewish Solidarity Action.

communal support at London Trans+ Pride 2023 (pic Jewish Solidarity Action)

Rabbi Lev Taylor, Rosh of the Queer Yeshiva, said: “Many members of the Queer Yeshiva community attended Trans Pride London on the weekend, and it was wonderful to see fellow members of the Jewish community running the hydration stations. This practical solidarity was very impactful.

“We hope to continue to see Jewish organisations make a stand against transphobia and loudly spread the message that trans Jews are welcome in the Jewish community.”

Trans artist and speaker Lewis Burton told the BBC: “Until we can live in peace and be treated with respect and dignity trans+ pride will always be important”.

Actress Yasmin Finney led a chant singing “trans rights are human rights.”

“Today is about love and rage,” trans activist and model Munroe Bergdorf said.

Other people at the protest include actor Emma Darcy, Youtuber Noah Finn Adams and Lucy Clark, the world’s first trans referee. 

Other speakers urged the government to help the trans community by making waiting lists for trans health care shorter.

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