Employment hub announces new programme to help women re-enter workplace

Work Avenue launches special scheme with a view to helping women get back into the jobs market or set up a busines

Work Avenue

Women looking to return to the workplace after years away or enter the workplace after having never held a job can find the whole process complex and daunting, regardless of how qualified or experienced they are.

In recognition of that, a Jewish organisation in north London announced this week that it will be launching a special programme for 2019 with a view to helping women enter or re-enter the jobs market, or set up a business.

Work Avenue’s flagship programme for returners will now include Empowering Women for Work, which will target any woman who has been economically inactive for a period of time, offering training and one-on-one sessions.

“Our delegates will be diverse,” said Work Avenue’s Emma May. “Some will be highly qualified but, having not worked for many years, will have lost confidence. Others may have young children at home and may have never worked before. Indeed some will have no qualifications beyond GCSEs and need help to update their skills for today’s workplace.”

Work Avenue’s chief executive Debbie Sheldon said: “Returning to work or embarking on a job search for the first time can be daunting. We are proud to offer programmes such as this to help demystify the process.”

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