Lord Sacks: Each side in Kotel saga has a place to pray

Emeritus Chief Rabbi tries to calm the debate between Orthodox and Progressive Jews over rights to pray at the Western Wall

Rabbi Lord Sacks

Jonathan Sacks, the previous chief rabbi of the United Kingdom, said the existence of an egalitarian prayer space at the Western Wall means liberal Jews were not defeated by the suspension of a plan to expand that area.

Sacks, who is an Orthodox rabbi, discussed the controversy around the Western Wall at a meeting Wednesday in London with activists of Gesher, an Israeli organisation that promotes dialogue between the secular and religious in Israeli society, and the Israeli Ministry of Diaspora.

“Neither side should exaggerate on the issue. Each side has a place to pray – and therefore we must not think of victory or defeat,” Sacks said in reference to the Israeli government’s decision Sunday to suspend the implementation of a 2016 compromise on the egalitarian prayer area.

Under the compromise, the government agreed to expand the southern section of the holy site, which is used for egalitarian prayer, open an entrance to it from the main Western Wall plaza and appoint an interdenominational commission to oversee it.

Run by Charedi rabbis, the main plaza of the Western Wall features separate spaces for men and women. In Reform and Conservative congregations, prayers are held conjointly.

In fending off scathing criticism by many American Jewish organisations and individuals over the suspension, an Israeli government official downplayed the move’s significance, underlining the fact that anyone who wishes to pray according to Conservative or Reform custom is able to do so today at the Western Wall regardless of the compromise.

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