‘I can feel that she’s going to be back alive,’ says brother of hostage Naama Levy

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‘I can feel that she’s going to be back alive,’ says brother of hostage Naama Levy

Families release video captured by body cameras of Hamas terrorists of seven female observers abducted from Nahal Oz on 7 October

Screen grab, May 22nd 2024. Nahal Oz Hamas video.
Screen grab, May 22nd 2024. Nahal Oz Hamas video.

The brother of a young woman kidnapped by Hamas says that his sister is the “best person I know” and he feels “that she’s going to be back alive.”

The comments by Amit Levy, sibling to 19-year old Naama Levy, come as parents of five female observers seized from the Nahal Oz base, who remain in Hamas captivity, today release video footage to the public and media of their daughters’ abduction.

The video, captured by the body cameras of Hamas terrorists on 7 October, lasts just over three minutes and has been edited and censored to exclude scenes such as those of the murdered young men and women at the Nahal Oz base and in the bomb shelter from which the observers were taken.

Seven observers were abducted alive from the Nahal Oz base. Ori Megidish was rescued by IDF forces after 23 days in captivity; Noa Marciano was murdered by Hamas terrorists while in captivity, and her body was returned by the IDF for burial in Israel. Five women, Liri Albag, Karina Ariev, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa, and Naama Levy, have been held captive by Hamas for 229 days.

Screen grab, May 22nd 2024. Nahal Oz Hamas video.

The footage reveals the violent, humiliating and traumatising treatment the girls endured on the day of their abduction. The full video footage will be distributed on Wednesday afternoon.

Amit Levy, brother of Naama said: “Naama is the best person I know. I miss her so much. And she was kidnapped from Nahal Oz alongside her friends. And even in the horrible video where she is being taken brutally by the terrorists, I can feel her strength and I can feel that she’s going to be back alive. Hopefully soon to celebrate her 20th birthday at home with her family and friends. I want to support you all for giving us your support and strength.”

Screenshot, Hamas video footage, Nahal Oz

The Hostages Families Forum said: “Every new testimony about what happened to the hostages echoes the same tragic truth – we must bring them all back home, now. The State of Israel cannot accept a reality where its citizens constantly feel their lives are threatened and suffer from unrelenting fear and anxiety.

Screenshot, Nahal Oz

“With each passing day, it becomes more challenging to bring the hostages back home – the living for rehabilitation and the murdered for proper burial. The Israeli government must not waste another moment; it must return to the negotiating table today!”

As part of a delegation with the Hostage Families Forum UK, this week six young relatives of hostages still held captive in Gaza came to London to meet with dignitaries, Parliament and local communities.

Hostage Family Forum delegation to London, May 2024. Pic: Chen G. Schimmel

Joined by hundreds of supporters, they held placards and posters of their loved ones at iconic locations across the capital, including Westminster Tube station, Parliament Square and the London Eye.

The delegation includes: Ilay David (26), the brother of Evyatar David, (23), who was taken captive by Hamas terrorists on October 7th from the Nova Music Festival; Gal Gilboa Dalal (29), a Nova survivor and brother of Guy Gilboa Dalal (23), who was kidnapped from the Nova festival; Rotem Sharabi (20), the niece of Yossi (53) and Eli (51) Sharabi, who were taken hostage by Hamas on October 7th from Kibbutz Be’eri; Amit Levy (21), brother of Naama Levy, a 19-year-old girl from Raanana, who was abducted by Hamas terrorists on October 7th from Nahal Oz; Maayan Rosen (18), cousin of Alon Ohel, 23, who was kidnapped from the Nova music festival; Maya Smihel (28), cousin of Eitan (37) and Yair (45) Horn, who were kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th from Kibbutz Nahal Oz.

Tuesday 21st May 2024. Pic: EJacobsPhotography

Speaking to Jewish News, Maya Smihel said: “It’s so frustrating, I don’t understand how they are only an hour and a half away from my home and I don’t know where they are or how to help them. I can’t rescue them. We know from testimonies that they are held without basic conditions, without medication, food or air, in darkness and fear. They are in immediate life-threatening danger. Every day is critical. They must be returned home.

Tuesday 21st May 2024. Pic: Chen Schimmel

“What scares me the most and drives me to get up every day and fight for them is the fear that they will be forgotten – not just Yair and Eitan, but all the men held there. There is a large population of men aged post military (21-22) to 50 years, who are not being discussed in the upcoming deal.

“I don’t diminish the value of any person. I believe everyone should be brought back, and I understand it won’t happen all at once. I just want the men there to be talked about too and for there to be a subsequent deal that includes them.”

Tuesday 21st May 2024. Hostage Family Forum young delegation family members Pic: EJacobsPhotography

Nivi Feldman of The Hostages and Missing Families Forum UK told Jewish News that the organisation “wanted to make a stand and embrace the hostage families delegation in London. To give them strength and know that the UK community is behind them and isn’t forgetting their loved ones who are held in Gaza.”

Tuesday 21st May 2024. Pic: Chen Schimmel

Their visit comes just days after the remains of Itzhak Gelerenter, Amit Buskila and Shani Louk were discovered in an overnight operation carried out by the IDF and Shin Bet. All three attended the Supernova music festival near Re’im where they were murdered by Hamas terrorists and their bodies taken to Gaza.

Officials on Saturday evening also announced that the body of hostage Ron Benjamin had been recovered.

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