For first time in its history – UJS presidential election has all-female line-up

'Milestone moment' heralded as Lauren Keiles, Joanna Phillips and Esther Offenberg are chosen to battle it out to lead Jewish students

Top: Lauren Keiles, Esther Offenberg, Bottom: Joanna Phillips, UJS logo

For the first time in its 100-year history, the Union of Jewish Students has fielded an all-woman line-up for the organisation’s next president, with three female contenders vying to head the union next year.

Current UJS President Hannah Rose said it was “a milestone moment” after Lauren Keiles, Joanna Phillips and Esther Offenberg made the run-off.

Like last year, students will have the option of choosing a candidate from Jewdas, while the other two comprise an Israeli from Berlin and a scuba-diving Deputy.

“We’re excited to see a diverse and talented range of candidates,” said Rose. “It is incredibly positive that for the first time in our 100-year history, all Presidential candidates in a contested election are impressive leaders who are also women.

She added: “This is a milestone in UJS’s work in empowering Jewish women in leadership, and a testament to the growing UJS role in pushing the Jewish community forwards on gender equality and broader diversity and inclusion.”

The candidates are studying in Bath, Birmingham and Leeds and cover a range of religious identities, from Orthodox to progressive, which Rose said “illustrates the variety and vibrancy of Jewish campus life”.

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