Four candidates announced for UJS presidential election

Four students have been selected as candidates to be the next president of the Union of Jewish Students.

All four received the requisite 10 nominations from their peers to be placed on the ballot box for the election in December. 

The candidates are as follows: 

  • Joel Salmon, the former president of St Andrews Jewish Society, president and founder of the St Andrews Coexistence Initiative, and studying International relations
  • Josh Seitler, the president of London School of Economics Israel Society, studying Criminology and Social Policy
  • Jake Berger, the vice-president at Oxford Jewish Society, studying Psychology & Philosophy
  • Alex Tansey, the president of Durham Jewish Society studying History.

Current president of UJS, Hannah Brady, who was elected in an uncontested race, praised the fact that four candidates were running this time around.

She said: “I am very excited that our democratic values are being strengthened and celebrated by our student body. Having four candidates is an opportunity for all of our members to have a say and influence over the future of our union.”

Each candidate will produce a campaign and set of policies in their bid to assume the role of the UK’s Jewish student leader. 

Before campaigning begins, there will be a hustings at the UJS summit at the end of the month.

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