Gaza firebomb kite narrowly misses children’s centre

There were no reported injuries after the device landed at the Emunah-run centre in Netivot, southern Israel

An incendiary balloon sent by terrorists in Gaza narrowly missed a children’s centre after it landed in southern Israel, on Monday afternoon.

There were no reported injuries following the close call at the Emunah day care and family counselling centre in Netivot, after the device failed to ignite.

The community centre, which lies between the Gaza border and Beersheba, is run by the Israel-based social welfare charity, which supports more than 12,000 children by providing residential homes, high schools, day care and family support centres, as well as trauma therapy and counselling centres.

“Fortunately, children and staff had left the premises and no-one was hurt,” said Deborah Nathan, director of British Emunah, which supports the charity’s 37 projects across Israel.

“This incident is an example of the frightening reality of life in the south of Israel, and highlights the ongoing need for the therapy and counselling services Emunah provides for the communities there.”

She added that counselling and support would be offered to children and parents affected by the incident.

This weeks marks the first of the summer holidays for Israeli children, with many participating in programmes run by Emunah.

The latest incident comes in the wake of a barrage of incendiary kites and balloons fired by terror groups in Gaza, which have set fires throughout southern Israel and damaged agricultural lands and woodlands.

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