Hundreds rally in Jerusalem in solidarity with New York’s antisemitism fight

Show of solidarity was organised by The Jewish Agency for Israel, the World Zionist Organisation, and the Anti-Defamation League.

Jerusalemites rally in solidarity with New York (Credit: @adlisrael)

Hundreds gathered in Jerusalem for a solidarity rally with a march against antisemitism in New York.

The rally on Sunday was organised by The Jewish Agency for Israel, the World Zionist Organisation, and the Anti-Defamation League.

“The Israeli solidarity event was initiated to send a clear message of support to U.S. Jews, particularly following the most recent attacks in Monsey and Jersey City,” the Jewish Agency said in a statement.

The rally was held outside the Jewish Agency’s offices in Jerusalem. Attendees held signs reading “No hate, No fear,” and “Love Your Neighbour as You Love Yourself.”

“Thousands are marching in New York, Jews and non-Jews alike, from a deep sense of both outrage and responsibility in the face of the horrific venom that has recently reared its head – hatred of Jews in the United States. Jews are no longer as safe on the streets of the U.S. as they were over the past hundreds of years. We are here in Jerusalem standing together with them in solidarity declaring: No Fear! No hate!” Isaac Herzog, chairman of the executive of The Jewish Agency for Israel, told rally participants.

Yaakov Hagoel, vice chairman of the World Zionist Organisation, added: “In times of crisis, we were used in the State of Israel to lovingly receive unrestricted support from Diaspora Jewry. Today, from the capital of the Jewish people, we stand here in solidarity with Diaspora Jewry as one people.”

Hundreds of Jewish Agency emissaries serving in U.S. communities joined the march Sunday in New York, which drew at least 25,000 participants.

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