LBC presenter sorry for querying Hamas rapes gives fee to Diaspora Alliance

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LBC presenter sorry for querying Hamas rapes gives fee to Diaspora Alliance

Natasha Devon says when she corrected a caller to her phone-in programme she made an ‘erroneous commentary’

LBC's Natasha Devon posted a two-page apology on X/Twitter
LBC's Natasha Devon posted a two-page apology on X/Twitter

The LBC presenter at the centre of a media storm for denying Hamas perpetrated sexual violence on 7 October has posted an apology online before saying she has donated her fee for last Saturday’s show to Diaspora Alliance, whose UK director wants to ‘de-centre’ Israel from Judaism. 

Speaking to listeners on 27 April about the rapes and mutilations, Natasha Devon tried to correct one caller, Lucy, saying: “There are conflicting stories about that. There are some academics saying that there is absolutely no evidence that any sexual assaults took place.”

In her apology on X/Twitter on Tuesday, Devon wrote: “I made the point that it is sometimes difficult to establish precise facts when reporting or discussing the situation in Israel and Gaza”.

She admitted there was “credible evidence some of the hostages taken on October 7th were subject to horrific sexual violence. I want to state here unequivocally that I believe them and I don’t dispute their testimonies.”

Apologising “unreservedly”, she said journalists and broadcasters were under “immense pressure” every day “not to put a foot wrong and mis-speak”. She added: “I will do better in the future.”

In the two page post, claiming her remarks were “an error of research” and her own “naivety”, she added: “I’m disappointed with myself for allowing this to happen. I will do better in the future.”

Devon concluded by saying she will repeat her apology on air on 4 May and is donating her fee for last week’s show to Diaspora Alliance, which is an international Jewish organisation that promotes anti-Zionist views.

Screenshot Twitter/X Natasha Devon, 1 of 2

Apologising “unreservedly” for the “mistake”, Devon said journalists and broadcasters were under “immense pressure” every day “not to put a foot wrong and mis-speak.”

Speaking exclusively to Jewish News, Lucy said: “If this was a genuine apology there was no need for Natasha to qualify it by reiterating her views on Israel’s response.

“It may be a good idea that if Natasha Devon is really sorry for her horrific misjudgment that she contacts the Israeli embassy and asks to see the footage that Hamas filmed on that fateful day.”

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