Injuries after car drives into shop in Golders Green traffic ‘accident’

Chaos for Pesach shoppers as bystanders report 'serious injury', while CST confirms the incident was not intentional

Pedestrians crowd around the pharmacy in Golders Green where the accident took place. Image posted by David Collier on Twitter

There were injuries reported after a car drove into a shop front on Golders Green Road, in what is reportedly a traffic “accident”.

Pesach shoppers faced chaos on Wednesday, after a vehicle drove into a pharmacy opposite Kosher Kingdom in north London.

Blogger David Collier took on Twitter to describe the incident, saying: the “car [has] driven into shop at Golders Green. People hurt. Pesach shoppers opposite Kosher Kingdom. No idea yet if accident or not”.

He added that it was: “Tragic. People holding shop front up . Certainly serious injury. People just out for Pesach shopping. Heartbreaking”

CST said it “has discussed with Police and can confirm that traffic incident in Golders Green Road appears to be an accident.”

Shomrim North West London posted a picture on Twitter, showing a London air ambulance landed in nearby Princes Park to attend the incident.

Henry Jacobs, who witnessed the event, said: “I was in Kosher Kingdom and we were told there was an emergency and had to get out. Kosher Kingdom was cordoned off. I had just come from The Mehadrin butcher and the car went into the shop two doors away.”

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