Young Jews and Muslims to hold ‘Shavuot Iftar’ as festivals coincide

More than 40 young people will come together and celebrate both Ramadan and the Jewish festival marking the end of the Omer at Moishe House

A Jewish and Muslim man at an interfaith event in London to celebrate Ramadan in 2015. (Photo credit: Near Neighbours )

More than 40 young Jews and Muslims are to meet to celebrate the coinciding of Shavuot and Ramadan by exploring the meaning of each before dinner with traditional foods representing the two religious holidays.

The ‘Shavuot Iftar’ will be on 21 May at Moishe House in Willesden Green, where young Jews aged 22-32 live in a community of peers.

The innovative interfaith project is the brainchild of Moishe House resident Ben Shapiro and Mamataj Begum, the co-chair of the Faith and Belief Forum Youth Council.

Shapiro said: “We will explain the Megillah of Ruth and do a brief bit of Chavrutah learning in interfaith pairs, then Mamataj will do a presentation on what Ramadan is, and what rituals the Muslim attendees will be observing, for example the similarity between ritual washing in both religions and what fasting represents to Muslims.”

He said the plan was to end with dinner “with some traditional foods from both festivals including cheesecake for Shavuot and dates for Ramadan”.

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