Israel won’t let Palestinians cross from Gaza and West Bank over Succot

Crossings between the two Palestinian territories will be restricted between 4-14 October

Palestinians next to the West Bank security barrier that separates them from Israel

Crossings between Israel and the West Bank and Gaza will be closed to Palestinians for 11 days beginning with the start of the Succot holiday.

Exceptions for the Oct. 4-14 closings will be made for humanitarian, medical and unusual cases with the approval of the Israeli military’s coordinator of government activities in the territories.

Usually during long holidays such as Succot, the crossings are closed just at the beginning and end of the observances.

Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman approved the longer closure days after three Israeli security officers were killed by a Palestinian man at the entrance to the Jerusalem-area West Bank settlement of Har Adar, where he had a permit to work.

Palestinians with valid work permits will not be allowed to enter Israel.

The crossings also were closed last month for the two days of Rosh Hashanah and for Yom Kippur.

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