Israeli company begins study into Covid-19 vaccine pill

Oravax says its initial testing has produced positive results

The vaccine could take the form of a pill (Photo: Oravax)

Inoculating against COVID-19 could soon be as easy as drinking a glass of water after an Israeli-American firm announced plans to trial a tablet vaccine.

Oravax said that a successful oral delivery method would vastly reduce distribution costs and possibly allow people to take the vaccine themselves at home.

A clinical study will begin before the end of June this year.

The firm said its proposed product was a virus-like particle triple antigen vaccine that targets three structural proteins — which means it should provide better protection across emerging mutations of the coronavirus.

“An oral COVID-19 vaccine would eliminate several barriers to rapid, widescale distribution, potentially enabling people to take the vaccine themselves at home,” said Nadav Kidron, chief executive of Oravax’s Jerusalem-based parent company Oramed.

“While ease of administration is critical today to accelerate inoculation rates, an oral vaccine could become even more valuable in the case that a COVID-19 vaccine may be recommended annually like the standard flu shot.”

A preclinical study in animals showed the vaccine produced antibodies after a single dose, the firm added.

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