Jeremy Corbyn celebrates Chanukah at Islington menorah lighting

Labour leader pictured gorging on jam doughnuts, taking selfies with revellers and chatting to local rabbi Mendy Korer

Jeremy Corbyn chatting with rabbi Mendy Korer of Islington Chabad Photo credit: Jeremy Freedman

Jeremy Corbyn marked Chanukah in his constituency over the weekend, attending Islington Chabad’s annual menorah lighting ceremony.

Taking place on Islington Green, the event on Sunday night saw around 250 revellers come together to celebrate the festival of light.

The Labour leader was pictured eating jam doughnuts, taking selfies, and chatting to local rabbi Mendy Korer at the free event which is supported by Islington Council. He also addressed crowds, wishing them a happy Chanukah.

Addressing revellers, Jeremy Corbyn said: ‘We want to wish you on behalf of all the people of Islington a very very happy chanukah. Mendy, what I love about you is your incredible enthusiasm and internal happiness on all occasions. It’s quite incredible, whenever there is a problem, Mendy turns up and suddenly there isn’t a problem, because when he is there he brings that warmth, love and support to everybody. Thank you very much.
“Thank you to everyone in the community for everything you do all the year round, working together with all the other communities, because that is what our borough is about, we are a mosaic of everybody enjoying everyone’s time, festivals and happiness together. Very happy chanukah to everybody and i’m delighted to be here.”
Rabbi Mendy Kore told Jewish News he said: ‘Celebrating Chanukah here on Islington Green, on Upper Street, could not be a better fit. Islington prides itself in diversity and insuring individual communities can live openly and proudly. The theme of chanukah is all about being free to celebrate our faith proudly and joyfully’
Jeremy Corbyn enjoying a doughnut at Islington Chabad’s Chanukah party
Photo credit: Jeremy Freedman

Guests were entertained with music from The London Klezmer Quartet, arts & crafts by the Jewish Museum London, face painting and storytelling, while sampling delicious free Chanukah food, such as doughnuts and latkes.

This year, Chabad Islington also managed to raise just under £4,000 pounds with a charity fundraiser, in which brave attendees walked across burning coals.

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