Jewish community raises £1 million for infertility charity campaign

Chana is celebrating 30 years as the UK's leading Jewish fertility charity.

Pic: Chana

More than 5,600 donors raised £1 million for a Jewish charity providing emotional and practical support to couples experiencing infertility.

The support for Chana’s recent matched funding campaign catapulted the organisation beyond their original target of £800,000.

This year marks Chana’s 30th year as the leading Jewish fertility charity in the UK, providing medical, financial, emotional and halachic assistance to couples struggling to start their family.

Charity trustee and co-founder, Benny Groszman said: “We recently celebrated Chana’s 900th baby and thanks to every single person who donated, by next Chanukah we will celebrate the birth of many more.”

Pic: Chana fundraising campaign December 2023

Honorary executive director, Carolyn Cohen said: “Tremendous work and effort goes into a successful campaign and we could not have done it without our core supporters. A special thanks goes to our Chana couples who came forward and shared their personal fertility stories to raise awareness, and to inspire others to support this important cause.

“We are so grateful to our 160 team leaders whose enthusiastic efforts were instrumental in helping us reach our goal. We are also immensely grateful to our Chana trustees who have worked tirelessly to ensure the smooth running of the campaign, together with our dedicated Chana staff and our incredible team of Chana therapists. Most importantly, we would like to thank YOU, the community, for partnering with us in solving the fertility challenge.”

With the campaign raising awareness about infertility, the funds raised will change the lives of hundreds of couples in the Jewish community who need Chana’s help to start or grow their family.

If you would like to support Chana please click here.

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