Jewish rapper goes viral with video highlighting antisemitism

Performance by artist known as Jester Jacobs has been viewed nearly 150,000 times, and unpacks stereotypes in a bid to fight Jew-hate

Screenshot from Jester Jacobs' video

A Jewish rapper has gone viral after recording a video highlighting antisemitism by satirising stereotypes.

Joe Jacobs, known on Twitter as ‘Jester Jacobs’, has received nearly 350,000 views on social media for his performance, entitled ‘Joe and The Jews’, which he describes in the open line as ‘a glum rap about Jew hate for me to unpack’.

‘Joe and The Jews’ is part of ‘We are Truthers’ series, produced by Antisemitism Policy Trust CEO Danny Stone, which aims to debunk antisemitic conspiracy theories. The song includes additional lyrics by Jewish writer and comedian Lee Kern.

  Stone said:  “The pandemic has forced us online for increasingly long periods of time. Whilst living in the digital age brings a number of benefits, the spread of antisemitic conspiracy theories, in particular, is deeply worrying.

“We want students and young adults to understand the dangers of antisemitism and racist conspiracy theories. Hopefully, people will enjoy the content and learn something too.”

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