Jewish Studies at Hasmonean Girls’ School rated Outstanding

Inspectors at orthodox school in Mill Hill impressed by leadership, management and curriculcum following December 2023 visit

Hasmonean High School for Girls

An orthodox girls’ school in north London has been rated ‘Outstanding’ across all areas of Jewish Studies.

Inspectors at Hasmonean High School for Girls reported that the quality of leadership and management in Kodesh (Jewish Studies) was outstanding, led by Menahel Rabbi Golker as well as the Kodesh curriculum, with particular mention of Chumash, Tefillah and Biblical Hebrew.

Particular mention was made of the “superb” Midrasha programme for sixth form with its wide range of options and preparation of students for life after Hasmonean being a highlight. Similarly, Inspectors also praised the HIPE (Informal Education) provision with its efforts to inspire students with a love of Torah.

Rabbi Jeremy Golker, Menahel of Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust said: “This is an exceptional result and a wonderful report. It is a testament to the outstanding practice and professionalism of all my colleagues in the girls’ Kodesh department. It is a pleasure and privilege to work with them, as well as the fully supportive executive leadership team and governing body.”

Mr Andrew McClusky, chief executive officer of the Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust, added: “This inspection demonstrates the profound importance of Kodesh at Hasmonean. The ethos of Torah im Derech Eretz (correct conduct) lives and breathes through every member of the Hasmonean community.

“Very well done indeed to the girls’ teachers who work tirelessly to ensure that the formal and informal curriculum inspires our students so well and my sincere thanks to the Kodesh leaders, governors and trustees whose vision and determination drives the department forward.”

Mr Steven Blumgart, Chair of Governors for Hasmonean High School for Girls and Gary Swabel, Chair of the Hasmonean Multi-Academy Trust, said, “The governors and trustees are delighted Section 48 Inspectors have recognised the school’s wonderful work and we look forward to building on this success. We are truly grateful to all staff and all members of the community who support the school.”

Schools deemed ‘religious’ have Section 48 inspectors review religious education as well as their standard Ofsted inspections.

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