JN Junior: New year’s resolutions to make the world a better place!

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JN Junior: New year’s resolutions to make the world a better place!

Recycling more, a 10-year-old entrepreneur, growing your own avocados and five things to do in January – are all in this month's feature for younger readers, with PJ Library!

The big question

What new year’s resolutions will you decide on to help make the world
a better place?

Genius Jenna says: Happy new year, everyone!

And with a new year often comes a ‘new year’s resolution’.

A new year’s resolution is a kind of promise you make to yourself to start doing something good (or stop doing something bad), such as helping with chores around the house, trying new foods or having less screen time.

The idea of new year’s resolutions is thought to have started by the ancient Babylonians, around 4,000 years ago. Apparently, they made promises to the gods in the hope that something good would happen to them in the coming year.

Agriculture was very important in the Babylonian society and one common resolution was returning their borrowed farm equipment – slightly different to our ones! Some of the most popular ones today are: do more exercise, pursue a passion or hobby, learn a new skill, save more money and spend more time with loved ones. One tip to achieving your resolution is to share it with others.

Libby Rajbenbach, nine, from Barnet:

Libby Rajbenbach

This year I will try to recycle more. I can start with plastic bottles. The other material I can recycle more is paper – using both sides instead of just one is a good start. Using less paper means more trees and less plastic means less goes in the oceans. I want to recycle more to help the planet – it is important for the future.

Good News! … the Curtis siblings, child entrepreneurs

Good News! … the Curtis siblings, child entrepreneurs

 A 10-year-old from Australia has launched an accessory and toy business that her mum says could lead her to retire by the time she’s 15! Pixie Curtis set up Pixie’s Bows with her mum (and PR hotshot) Roxy Jacenko in 2011.

Earlier this year came Pixie’s Fidgets and, in the first month alone, it sold more than $200,000 worth of product. The two empires are estimated to earn $21 million in the next decade. And now Pixie’s younger brother Hunter, seven, with mum’s support, has launched ‘his’ own unisex streetwear and accessories brand.


Hands On!

Sprout an Avocado Tree

Want to grow your very own tree?

The next time you eat an avocado, save the pit for sprouting.

Avocado sprouting
  1. Wash your avocado pit. Carefully stick three toothpicks in it and suspend the broad end of the pit into the glass of water so it’s mostly submerged
  2.  Place the glass in a warm spot, but not in direct sunlight. Over time, the water level will lower. Add more water as needed to keep the pit wet.
  3. In the next two to six weeks, you’ll notice the roots and stem beginning to sprout. When the stem is 6 to 7 inches long, cut it back several inches. When the roots thicken and the stem grows new leaves, transplant it into a pot of soil, leaving the top half of the pit exposed — or, if you live in a warm enough climate, you can plant it outdoors. Place it in a sunny spot, water it regularly, and don’t forget to celebrate its birthday!

Sign up your child to receive a free monthly Jewish book at www.pjlibrary.org.uk


Five things to enjoy this month:

1. Hogwarts in the Snow

There’s still time to experience Hogwarts in the Snow at Warner Bros. Studio Tour London –  The Making of Harry Potter. On until 16 January.


2. Nutty New Year Adventures

New Year’s Resolutions are the order of the day for Captain Calamity, who is back at the Radlett Centre with his pal Scorcher the Dragon. Saturday 22nd January at 11am.


3. Woodland Tales with Granddad

This uproarious show with extraordinary puppets is fun for the whole family. Runs  on Sunday 23 January at 11am and 2pm.


Woodland tales

4. Somerset House Ice Rink

You can whizz around the ice at Somerset House until 16 January. Make the most of it while you can, though, as  organisers say it’s the last time
it will be open.


5. Audley End grounds

Explore acres of spacious grounds at Audley End, one of England’s grandest mansions. Discover what life was like in a Victorian country house estate.


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