Joe’s debut fight ends in draw

Boxer raises more than £1,500 for Chai Cancer Care in charity bout

Joe Hildebrand enjoyed his first fight in the ring

Joe Hildebrand has said he may be tempted back to return to the ring after his debut fight saw him raise more than £1,500 for Chai Cancer Care.

Seeing his debut in the ring end in a 29-29 draw, he said: “I was really happy with how I performed in the second, and especially the third round, but could’ve done more in the first. It took me too long to get into it so maybe doing so earlier would’ve won me the fight. But my training paid off, in terms of both technique and fitness, but also giving me the confidence to get into the ring with the right attitude. When I look back at the videos I’m really happy with how I did and really glad I took on the challenge.”

Saying it was an evening he’ll “remember for the rest of my night”, he said: “Even though I’d been training for over a year, I was really quite nervous in the days and hours leading up to the fight, but as soon as I walked to the ring, my mood shifted and it just became something really exciting to go for.”

Buoyed on by 30 family and friends, he said: “They were all great and I couldn’t have done it without them. I set out with a target of £1,000 and have now raised over £1,500 so I’m really pleased. Chai is such an incredible charity and I know the money will make a real difference. I’ve not made my mind up yet about a return to the ring, but who knows!

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