Judge due to hold inquiry into Rabbi Halpern allegations steps down from role

Judge Martyn Zeidman told Jewish News: “With great regret, I am now unable to conduct this important inquiry for personal reasons.'

Golders Green Rabbi Chaim Halpern

The Union of Orthodox Hebrew Congregations (UOHC) is understood to be seeking a replacement to conduct its promised inquiry into allegations against the Golders Green rabbi, Chaim Halpern.

The former Recorder of Redbridge originally due to chair the inquiry, Judge Martyn Zeidman, has now stepped down from the role. He told Jewish News: “With great regret, I am now unable to conduct this important inquiry. It is for personal reasons, in that my wife has suddenly been taken seriously ill”.

But for his wife’s sudden health decline, the judge would have been expected to begin his inquiry imminently, into the allegations of inappropriate sexual behaviour by Rabbi Halpern. He had made it clear that he would not invite witnesses until any police inquiry had concluded.

Last week the Metropolitan Police announced that its inquiry into allegations against Rabbi Halpern had been closed, because it had been unable to make contact with, or identify, the latest accuser.

This is said to be a 21year-old London woman, now living in Israel, who told an Israeli TV station of the rabbi’s repeated attempts to contact her. She gave in evidence recordings of a number of conversations she said had taken place between her and the rabbi. But Rabbi Halpern insisted that he was innocent of such allegations and also claimed that it was not his voice on the recordings.

Meanwhile Jewish News has had approaches from other women making similar claims about Rabbi Halpern. It is not clear how soon a successor to Judge Zeidman will be appointed, or what the parameters of a UOHC inquiry will be.

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