Kinloss proposes Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence as senior minister

Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence

Kinloss members are set to vote on the nomination of one of Australia’s most prominent ministers as their next senior rabbi.

London-born Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence, the long-time chief minister of the Sydney’s Great Synagogue, is the unanimous recommendation of a selection committee set up following the appointment of Kinloss former minister Ephraim Mirvis as Chief Rabbi.

“Our community needs a senior rabbi who had the capability to talk to, to lead and be part of our community,” wrote shul chairman Jon Mendelsohn in a letter to members. “One bursting with ability who can chart the next journey ahead. Your selection committee has found someone who can do this and I ask you to support the appointment if Rabbi Jeremy Lawrence as our senior rabbi.”

Kinloss bound? Rabbi Lawrence

The father of four, a registrar on the Sydney Beth Din who himself was among those thought to be among the early contenders for British chief rabbi, will now join the community on 18 January before members vote the following day, with 75 percent of ballots cast needing to support the appointment for it to be confirmed.

Mendelsohn said that over nine months the committee undertook a “thorough and detailed process to examine a large number of candidates” and “has been fortunate to hear from some of the most impressive and inspirational rabbinic of this time”.

Rabbi Lawrence said: “I am delighted to have been recommended by the selection committee and am looking forward to meeting the Kinloss community formally in a couple of weeks. I am excited at the prospect of returning to such a vibrant kehilla, working with its accomplished team and also with Chief Rabbi Mirvis in his new capacity.”

Mendelsohn also told members in his letter that the shul had made an £80,000 surplus in 2013 “which means that we will have met all our full debt repayment to the US this year”. While there was still work to do before he and Harry Daniel leave office next year, he said, “we can certainly have confidence that we have the sustainable resource position to keep our community thriving”.

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