Kosher on campus! Brunel students can buy kosher sandwiches

Josh Isaac (vice-president, second from left) and Raphael Waller (president, third from the right) with Union staff, Michael Darlow (VP Student Activities, second from the right) and Craig Lithgow (chief executive of the union, on Raphael’s left)

Kosher food is now available on campus for students at Brunel university.

The Jewish society (Jsoc), together with the Students Union announced that ready-made kosher sandwiches will be made available in the campus shop for the first time. 

The sandwiches will be available for the the small community of Jews that study there, from DD’s. 

JSoc Vice-President, Josh Isaac said: “As a society that is constantly looking for ways to improve life on Campus for Jewish Students, having kosher Sandwiches readily available is something we believe will be of immense value to them as well as others.”

“It is something that has been implemented at universities across London.”

Isaac added: “We are hugely grateful to the Union, and in particular VPSA, Michael Darlow and Chief Executive, Craig Lithgow, for their hard work in bringing it to Brunel.” 

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