Labour councillor accused of calling Jewish colleague ‘Shylock’

Haringey's Gideon Bull is alleged to have made the remark about Zena Brabazon at a private cabinet meeting last month

Councillor Gideon Bull, left, Zena Brabazon, right

Labour is investigating a councillor in Haringey accused of calling a Jewish colleague “Shylock” over her stance on a housing scheme.

Cllr Gideon Bull, who sits on Haringey Council as cabinet member for local investment and economic growth, is alleged to have made the remark about Cllr Zena Brabazon at a private cabinet meeting last month at which plans to develop council-owned land were discussed, the website On London reported.

A spokesperson for the Haringey Labour Group told JN: “We take these matters extremely seriously. The complaint has been referred to the national party and an investigation is underway.”

The ruthless Jewish moneylender depicted in William Shakespeare’s play The Merchant of Venice, who demands a pound of flesh as compensation for default on a loan, was used as a propaganda tool in Nazi Germany.

Cllr Brabazon, who is a member of the left-wing fringe group Jewish Voice for Labour, was among 11 signatories to a letter written last year, dismissing allegations of antisemitism in Haringey Labour group.

“The reality is nothing could be further from the truth. There are many Jews in Haringey’s Labour parties,” the letter stated.

“Even so, of course there are antisemitic comments made in the Labour Party. This should be rooted out and there should be no tolerance of it when it happens. However this is no different nor more frequent than in wider society and upon inspection, they come from both the left and right. More pertinently it comes from deep seated ignorance.”

Councillors Bull and Brabazon were approached for comment.

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