Liberal group’s IHRA definition challenge

Nexus Task Force definition grants more leeway for criticism of Israel than IHRA, which most Jewish groups and some governments adopt.

Israeli and British flags (Jewish News)

A group of liberal Jewish scholars have formulated an interpretation of antisemitism they would like to see replace the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition.

The Nexus Task Force definition grants more leeway for criticism of Israel than IHRA, which most Jewish groups and some governments adopt.

The key difference is in applying double standards to Israel criticism. The IHRA definition includes as an example of antisemitic Israel criticism “Applying double standards by requiring of [Israel] a behaviour not … demanded of any other democratic nation.” 

Some mainstream Jewish groups are pressing US state governments and governments overseas to adopt the IHRA definition. Critics have said the definition is too broad. 

The Nexus Task Force said: “Paying disproportionate attention to Israel and treating Israel differently than other countries is not prima facie proof of antisemitism. There are numerous reasons for devoting attention to Israel. Some may pay more attention because Israel receives $4billion in American aid.”

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