Liberal shuls agree to merge

Members of Bet Tikvah and Woodford Liberal Synagogues voted in favour of forming a new single congregation

Bet tikva synagogue

Liberal Judaism has welcomed the merger of two synagogues into a new community serving East London and West Essex.

Members of Bet Tikvah and Woodford Liberal Synagogues voted in favour of forming a new single congregation led by Rabbis Richard Jacobi and David Hulbert.

Rabbi Danny Rich, senior rabbi of Liberal Judaism, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to bring together the strengths and resources of Bet Tikvah and Woodford Liberal Synagogues.

“This new 700 member Liberal community is a statement of our confidence in, and desire to serve the Jewish community of Redbridge, Essex and beyond.”

Eighty-six percent of Bet Tikvah members and 81 percent of Woodford Liberal Synagogue members voted in favour of unification.

Woodford Liberal Synagogue chairman Jonny Hurst said: “The whole will be greater than the sum of its parts – creating a stronger and more secure community, without losing the identity and values which we have both developed and cherished over many decades.”

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