Limmud FSU Warsaw: March recalls Shoah victims

Young Jews from Russian-speaking backgrounds took part in the annual March of the Living last weekend, and lit torches at Auschwitz-Birkenau in memory of the six million Jews

Aaron G. Frenkel and Matthew Bronfman light a torch. credit Yossi Zeliger

Two leaders of Limmud FSU, the organisation working with young Russian-speaking Jews from the former Soviet Union, took part in the annual international March of the Living last weekend, and lit torches at Auschwitz-Birkenau in memory of the six million Jews who died in the Holocaust.

Aaron G Frenkel, Limmud FSU president, is the son of a Shoah survivor who was a prisoner at Auschwitz. His grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins, all perished.

“ I light this torch in memory of my family members – grandmothers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles, daughters and sons, and to my mother Fruma who was a prisoner here in Auschwitz-Birkenau. May their soul will be bound up in the bundle of life.”

Matthew Bronfman, chair of Limmud FSU, said his late father, Edgar Bronfman, former president of the World Jewish Congress, had fought for years for the rights of Jews.

He said: “I light this torch on behalf of all the volunteers of Limmud FSU, and in the name of the Jewish people who suffered beyond the power of imagination in this very place. I stand here in the shadow of my father, who fought to restore honour and dignity to each and every Jew around the world.”

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