London’s Sephardi and Strictly Orthodox community leaders hold historic meeting

A momentous meeting between leaders of the Sephardi and Charedi communities has taken place in Stamford Hill for the first time in 20 years.

Senior Rabbi Joseph Dweck was welcomed into the home of Rabbi Osher Schapiro, the founder of Kol Boniach, where they met other leaders and rabbis of the Strictly Orthodox community.

Rabbi Schapiro said: “It was a great exciting and refreshing morning bringing together different community’s to share thoughts and ideas on topical Torah values. This is the start of a great relationship we hope to take forward.”

Rabbi Dweck: “It was an honour to share thoughts about community building with some of the leadership in Stamford Hill. On the human level, we all face the same types of challenges.  I suggested the need for responsiveness in community leadership from a Torah perspective.”

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