More than 160 events planned for Balfour 100 celebrations

The community's events marking the historic declaration include lectures, discussions and meals across the country

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The organising committee planning the Jewish community’s centenary celebrations of the Balfour Declaration in November has said more than 160 events are planned.

Balfour 100, a coalition of 23 different community organisations, has said that the next two months will see lectures, panel discussions, community gatherings and Shabbat meals take place in synagogues, schools and universities.

Most events are taking place in London, Manchester, Leeds and Scotland, with each event being organised by a local organising committee.

“The number of events to celebrate the 100 year anniversary of the Balfour Declaration is testament to the many local communities who are committed to ensuring the centenary’s success,” said Simon Johnson, chief executive of the Jewish Leadership Council.

“We are proud that people all over the country will have the opportunity to get involved in an event of some kind and learn more about the Declaration itself.”

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