New podcast launched by Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance

New '#YourTorah' recordings will offer an introduction to the 63 tractates or books of Mishnah.

The UK branch of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance has launched a new podcast designed as an introduction to the 63 tractates or books of Mishnah.

Organisers said the 18-minute #YourTorah podcast recordings – all taught by women – will each provide the overview of one book, with a sample Mishnah (works of rabbinic literature) and “a practical take-away”.

The project has been designed as a special invitation to women and girls to make Torah study “their thing” and will culminate in a Women’s Torah study week-end in June or July next year.

JOFA UK leaders said they were launching the podcast immediately after Simchat Torah, “with the aim to build on the message of the festival, which is that Torah is for everyone… The purpose is to unlock Mishnah for women and girls making it accessible to all, independently of individual’s skills or background. We hope that this will inspire women to continue to study Mishnah”.

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