New siddur for Spanish and Portuguese

The book will be launched at Lauderdale Road Synagogue on 22 March

A barmitzvah at Lauderdale Road Synagogue, Maida Vale, London. Credit: Blake Ezra

The Spanish and Portuguese Sephardi Community is launching its first completely revised Shabbat prayer book for 120 years.

The book will be launched at Lauderdale Road Synagogue, one of three Sephardi communal synagogues, on 22 March at 3pm.

The prayer book includes a new translation in modern English, as well as detailed explanations of ancient Sephardi rituals in the UK.

It will include texts that have never previously appeared in a Sephardi prayer book, including the Portuguese announcements of mitzvot around the Torah reading.

It will be available in two different editions: a standard
edition, and an enhanced edition containing the music and response of each song.

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