Nick De Bois starts Jewish Q&As

The first politician to be grilled by Jewish Londoners as part of a series of debates with MPs and mayoral candidates has answered questions on housing, education and foreign policy issues.

Nick de Bois, MP for Enfield North, was speaking to community members as part of the London Jewish Forum’s event, with the price of housing top of many people’s agenda.

The Tory backbencher, who told of how voting against the government five months after entering Parliament put his would-be ministerial career “under a cloud,” recognised the community’s interest in rent caps.

“There are those who feel they are being penalised disproportionately by rent caps placed on property… It’s interesting that it is particularly affecting the Jewish community,” he said.

There were also questions on stamp duty, about which he said he was pursuing a change, as well as a question on Iran and Tony Blair’s recent speech on the dangers of extremism and political Islam.

Forum trustee Adam Cannon said: “Nick was a great MP to kick off the Think Jewish London series. He was really engaging and refreshing, providing his thoughts on numerous key policy issues that face the London Jewish community, in particular, a long discussion on housing issues. This led to a top level policy discussion amongst the guests.”

Nick De Bois

The next event is with Lee Scott MP on 12 May. For more details, visit

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