No driving test needed for Brits making aliyah

Brits with a valid driving license who are making Aliyah will no longer need to pass an Israeli test

Brits making aliyah will now no longer have to pass an Israeli driving test – but they will still have to navigate Israeli roads.

It follows an announcement from Israel’s Ministry of Transportation that allows olim [immigrants who have made aliyah] and returning residents with a valid driving license for five years to convert their driver’s licenses in Israel without a driving test.

“This is an amazing revolutionary change that will make the lives of every oleh who comes to Israel so much easier,” said Tzvika Graiver of non-profit group KeepOlim. “No longer will they have to waste time, money and tears on transferring their driver’s licenses in Israel.”

Over the years, Brits have had to pay thousands of shekels to take courses with driving instructors to get a date for a driving test. Many fail driving tests several times, despite having unblemished driving records in the UK.

Transport Minister Yisrael Katz said it will allow immigrants “to skip the bureaucracy and save precious time and money”.

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