Nottingham Bagel Brunch… served by a nice Jewish guy

Publicity Officer Josh

Late nights at the library, 12 cups of coffee to stay awake, multi-coloured pens for making notes and… bagels.

That’s the secret to exam success, says Nottingham’s Jewish students, who have served up some circular treats for their battle-weary brethren.

The Bagel Brunch held on Wednesday was only expected to attract only 20-30 people, but there ended up being almost 50 mouths to feed. Good job then that Jews always provide too much.

“This is the start of what will hopefully be a fantastic year in Nottingham,” said J-Soc President Jordan Rinsler.

“Our committee has really good chemistry and meetings are a great laugh! I’m really looking forward to working with them all and building on this positive start that we have made to 2014,” he said.

Nottingham’s very own Jewish pin-up Josh Rom (pictured looking gorgeous) said: “The Bagel Brunch was a big success and I look forward to publicising even more events to come.” Makes sense, given Josh is the Publicity Officer.

Well done Nottingham, keep up the good work (but don’t forget to leave room for study).

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