On the ball: interfaith kick-about with Arsenal FC

Club teaches the beautiful game to group of 30 Jewish and Muslim girls in Women's World Cup build up

Interfaith football at Arsenal FC

Young Muslim and Jewish girls came together to play football at Arsenal Emirates Stadium on Wed 7 June to build deeper understanding through sports.

In the build-up to the Women’s World Cup this July in Australia and New Zealand, 30 young women, ages 13 and 14, from Jewish and Muslim faith schools in London met for the first time to learn about equality, diversity, and inclusion in football with the Professional Footballers’ Association.

They then headed to the Arsenal Community Hub pitch to train with the club’s female coaches and play football, with girls from both communities playing side-by-side.

Eye on the ball at Arsenal FC

Aliya Azam, Head of Science at Al-Sadiq and Al-Zahra Schools, and one of the organisers of the day, said: “Playing together is a great way to break down barriers. Events like the World Cup can bind people together who might not normally meet and mix. This day opens the door to a deeper understanding for our girls of their Jewish peers, and that’s vitally important in countering the negative stories out there.”

Rukaya Hussain, programme manager from Faith Forum for London, another organiser, said: “Though London is one of the most diverse cities in the world, conflicts around the world can degrade the level of trust between communities. So it’s very important that we teach our young people how to live together, play together, and break glass-ceilings together; this day at Arsenal is the start of this journey.”

Simone Pound, director of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, Professional Footballers’ Association, said: “Working together as a team despite differences in faith, nationality and ethnicity is what footballers do to be a successful squad. As the players union we are proud of the inclusivity and diversity of our membership. We hope we can help to encourage and celebrate inter-faith engagement by playing our part in this exciting event.”

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