OPINION: It’s not easy loving your country when it doesn’t love you back

The challenges of being gay in Israel under the current government mean Luke Hanns has returned to the UK after making aliyah five years ago. 'Outside Tel Aviv, I'm scared to walk holding my partner's hand'

Tal and Luke.

I made aliyah five years ago thinking that was it. Israel was my forever home. No looking back. Little did I know that after several years I discovered Israel was not the home for ALL Jews, and its only getting worse.

It’s not easy loving your country when it doesn’t love you back. Israel has a long way to go with its societal norms and values. Racism is rife. Gender segregation still exists.

Arabs and Jews aren’t integrated. Secular and religious divisions are incredibly apparent. For me, its very difficult being a gay Jew in Israel- despite Tel Aviv’s reputation as a progressive bubble, it certainly isn’t representative of Israel.

Tal and Luke at their engagement party in London.

I can’t adopt or get married. I can’t even do surrogacy unless I have £120k to do it in America. Outside of Tel Aviv, I’m scared to walk holding my partners hand.

And now with the judicial overhaul, the rise of the right and Bibi’s campaign to appease the religious-nationalist parties. I have no chance to survive this new Israel and its time for me to come home, back to London.

Luke Hanns

The UK is not in the best place right now, but even with the cost of living crisis and anti-Semitism I feel its a better option than Israel. I feel so grateful to have dual citizenship, but millions of Jews in Israel have nowhere to escape to.

I feel like it’s clear that the government is on a campaign to narrow the gap between state and religion, government and judiciary. There were checks and balances in place to protect us all, but that is no longer.

We have government ministers openly racist, sexist and homophobic, even terrorist sympathisers.

Its sickening to be a part of this right now and I can’t have my future children growing up in such a vulgar system.

  • Luke Hanns and Tal celebrated their engagement in London on Tuesday. 
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