OPINION: As troubling as the Gaza conflict is, Jewish students shouldn’t worry

Joshua Rom
Joshua Rom

By Joshua Rom, Nottingham University

-The views expressed in this article are of the author’s alone and not of other student media outlets-

As a student I am proud of my Jewish identity and I am proud to admit that I am Jewish on Campus.

As well as Publicity Officer for Nottingham J-Soc I am also a student media broadcaster, I produce, edit and present content on a wide range of topics and themes on Nottingham University Television Station, aka NUTS.

I would say that the student media work, combined with my publicity officer position at J-Soc, means I have to partake in some activities on campus in a very public way.

I did start to think about the current conflict in Gaza and I admit I did have thoughts and worries about my proud Jewish identity being at risk, and whether I will compromise on the way I go about my day-to-day life being in such a public position on campus.

But the truth is, I am still going to do my work and participate in even more student media this coming year, in an even more public way. I will not let this conflict change what I do.

I am troubled by the latest news that the National Executive of the NUS has voted to adopt a policy that the “NUS does not employ or work with companies identified as facilitating Israel’s military capacity, human rights abuses or illegal settlement activity”.

However this maybe, the respective student’s unions across each of the universities are committed to democracy and they will not implement a policy like this without some kind of vote. I want to tell Jewish students at this time that they have options.

J-Soc is here for you. We are not just a society that creates events for your enjoyment. We are your representatives on Campus and actively campaign for issues that affect you.

If you have a problem or are potentially facing one due to your Jewish identity, then your respective J-Soc committee and your respective chaplain is there to help and advise you. The Chaplains at campuses across the country are there to listen to you and advise students on any welfare issues.

I want to say that I have no worries on campus and likewise, prospective students and their Jewish mothers should not worry.

To all the new freshers out there: Good luck with your results, mazel tov for getting in wherever you get in and do not worry, you will love university.


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