Opinion: Working the land of our ancestors brought us back to our roots

Joanne and David Ereira harvested crops for non-profit start up Leket Israel and re-awakened a passionate appreciation for the land of their forefathers

Joanne and David in Israel with Leket.

We felt helpless in London and wanted to contribute to the war effort in Israel and support our nation. It was suggested we could assist in farming and harvesting the crops for Leket Israel. So off Joanne and I went to join the many other international volunteers who signed up to help. 

We arrived at the farm at 9am in the rain with water bottles, hats and exuberance. We knew it was going to be a back-breaking morning of harvesting but what we did not expect was our emotional journey into feeling and working the land our ancestors worked with blood sweat and tears.

Somehow the smell of the rain-drenched soil awoke something in us that we did not expect.

We were in the sweet potato fields; beautiful rows of ripe produce waiting to be picked amidst the warmth and encouraging staff of Leket who were so grateful for our help .

Suddenly more volunteers arrived. A young couple from Stuttgart who were visiting the “Holy Land” also wanted to join the war effort of volunteering. Folks from Canada, New York and London all came together to help harvest the days crops.

Harvesting with Leket Israel

They were soon to be joined by Israeli school kids with their teachers, who also signed up for the session as part of their volunteering curriculum programme.

The atmosphere was high with everyone so enthusiastic, as the crops harvested were to feed the needy, displaced families and others who have suffered during this difficult time.

Here we were doing something useful and something simple but with deep meaning. Manual work, picking vegetables from the ground that would be delivered to those in need.

The smell of the wet earth was sweet. The rain had just subsided, the sun came out and steam was rising from the ground while we listened to the instructions of what we needed to do in the event of sirens being sounded.

Sweet potato harvest, Leket Israel.

This was very real. There are no bomb shelters in the fields. Suddenly the reality of our surroundings became very focused but none of us were deterred. Obviously we hoped that we would have a safe experience and thankfully we did .

Being in the fields with like-minded people was grounding. We all worked up a sweat and were delighted that in a short morning we harvested 4 tonnes of sweet potatoes.

So many people from around the world with one thing in common: we all wanted to help. We all had a connection and that connection is not only our faith, but more so the land.

Joanne and David with Leket Israel

Here we all were working this land like our ancestors. No machinery, just our hands and it was indeed as simple as that. We were not the only ones moved by this experience; the others were too. No one could understand the simplicity of it but we know not to question the feelings what we feel within when it comes with such deep warmth of knowing and understanding.

The best thing about today was also knowing, God willing, we were going back again tomorrow to join yet more volunteers to repeat the experience.

If you feel you could also help in this way – please contact www.Leket.org and register your interest .

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